菜单 播客


• 最近更新时间:2021年9月24日


Whether you step into a puddle while walking, get pushed fully-clothed into a pool while partying, or slip in a stream while hiking, you’ll need to dry out your shoes — and often do so fairly quickly, having to wear the same pair the next day. Wet shoes are uncomfortable to wear, and can start to stink as well.
如果您的鞋子非常饱和水,请首先按下外部织物上的毛巾,然后将其插入内部,然后用手压缩鞋子,以吸收多余的水。然后继续用报纸上的报纸塞满鞋子。If you don’t get a traditional newspaper, the newspaper-esque flyers and advertisements that arrive in your mailbox and on your driveway can work, though “drier,” more absorbent papers work better than glossier sheets, and papers with lots of ink run the chance of leaking onto lighter-colored shoes. If you don’t have newspaper of any kind, balls of paper towels will work, though you need to put more of them in to get sufficient “firmness” with your stuffing; you need to create ample contact surface between the paper and the shoe for the former to draw the water out of the latter.


由Ted Slampyak说明
