菜单 播客


• 最近更新时间:2021年9月25日



Like the rest of the small crew here at AoM, I’ve been working from home for most of my career, and have observed that without the presence of coworkers to chit-chat with, breakrooms, or a coffee shop in the lobby, it’s easy to feel a bit stale. While lunch is a nice interlude in the middle of the day, I’ve found I need some refreshing mid-morning and mid-afternoon too.

Fortunately, one’s ability to re-energize at home is even better than at the office — you can freely play with habits and routines without worrying that onlookers will think you’re a weirdo or a slacker — and over the years I’ve experimented with a lot of different ways to shake off my listlessness and get back in a focused groove.



只要服用一个精神的脱离您的工作,即设置一个计时器10或15分钟,然后巡游Twitter或Instagram,请检查最新的头条新闻(如今,这些标题始终是士气低落和/或愤怒的秘诀),甚至从小说中阅读了一点在你桌上。但是,这些活动与正常工作没有足够的不同之处,无法充分清新。正如温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)所说:“更改是主密钥”;为了真正减轻您的躁动,您需要摆脱思维工作才能做某事身体的。




抗击不安的最佳方法之一就是使身体运动和心脏速度提高。I’ve tried a number of quick bodyweight exercises aimed at accomplishing that goal: burpees are too soul-sucking, push-ups require getting down on the floor and aren’t much fun, pull-ups aren’t bad but don’t work your whole body . . . the best full-body exercise to quickly get your heart pumping is the jumping jack. You move your entire body and it’s even sort of fun; for some reason jumping jacks make me feel like a kid again. I’ve found 30 to be an ideal number; it’s just enough to make you breathe a little harder but not enough to make you sweat (which you don’t necessarily want in the middle of a workday). Afterwards, your limbs will feel limber, and you’ll be ready to get back in the saddle.



If I’m about to get on a phone call or head to a meeting and need to sound and look and feel energetic, I’ll do jumping jacks to get my heart rate up, which helps my energy, my body language and posture, even my voice.我从唐·格林那里得到了这个提示,他们指出,您应该在任何表演之前就可以稍微提高心律 - 无论是体育赛事,音乐试镜,面试还是会议。




步行的价值有充分的记录,包括在这个网站上一个数字时代。在这种情况下,围绕街区漫步是一种刷新的好方法。它不仅使您的身体移动 - 无论您做什么,使血液流动至关重要 - 而且还可以让您外出。户外的恢复性质同样有据可查;新鲜空气,阳光,文明的声音,甚至与邻居的快速聊天都可以使陈旧的身体和陈旧的头脑生动起来。



有时会增加咖啡因,以及准备准备的时间和精力,是使自己摆脱困境的理想方式。If you’re not into caffeine or can’t pound it all day long, it does also work to make a cup of herbal tea, have a small glass of juice, even mix up a smoothie — something that gets your taste buds excited is a good way to reactivate your benumbed senses.





When you set a timer (10-15 minutes is a good procrastinatory period) and you’ve focused your energy (by giving yourself permission to take a hard break from work), you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in a short time span. Do a quick kitchen clean up, mow the yard (that one’s for me — my small yard takes 12 minutes to mow), start or fold some laundry . . . you know the drill.

