菜单 播客



守时就像一种美德。它尊重他人的时间,表现出可靠性,并需要诚信和纪律。鉴于这是美德 - 雅典,这似乎是守夜练习越严格,越好,因此您获得了诸如:“尽早的准时;准时迟到了。”




但是,如果您要从她的房屋/公寓里拿起约会(如果您已经认识她或高中/大学,那么可能会这样),那么迟到有点迟到真是太好了。Getting there early is a definite no-no, lest you make your lady friend answer the door with curlers in her hair (do women still put curlers in their hair?), and as she’ll likely be getting ready right up until the time you knock, getting there late provides her a bit of buffer to complete this process. Even if she’s ready on time, she won’t mind having the chance to give herself one last look in the mirror. So get there just a few minutes late — no more than five, lest she begin to worry you’ve stood her up.


餐厅通常会在预定时间后的15分钟内保留您的预订,因此,如果您跑得迟到一点,则不必感到恐慌。(If you’re going to be more than 15 minutes late, give them a call to let them know.) Restaurants don’t always have your table ready exactly at your reservation time anyway, so if you arrive five minutes late, there’s a better chance you’ll be seated straight away.

当然,您还希望尊重餐厅的员工及其其他客户;如果您迟到了,那么您的就餐时间可能会持续很长时间,这意味着您的桌子在其后续乘员保留的时间里无法准备好。Nice restaurants typically allot two hours of dining time per reservation, so just make sure you don’t exceed that, timed from when your original reservation began (e.g., if your reservation was at 6:00, and you showed up at 6:10, still depart by 8:00).


如果您要在座位的剧院(芭蕾舞,戏剧,音乐,管弦乐表演)中参加一场不错的表演,那么您应该早点出现。找到你的座位;安顿下来;阅读程序。The doors close once the show starts (you’ll often have to wait until a break/intermission to be let in), and you don’t want to disturb the experience of others by being the guy who has to be shown to his row with a flashlight-wielding usher and climb over fellow audience members to get to his seat.

在“流行”的非高峰音乐音乐会方面,有一个完全不同的方程式。If you’re going to see your favorite band in the world, it’s a general admission show (sans assigned seating), and you want to be as close to the stage as possible, then you might want to arrive an hour (or many hours, depending on the band’s popularity) before the doors open. But in most cases, positioning yourself close to the stage is pretty overrated (especially as you get older), given that the area is hot, crowded, cramped, sweaty, and, depending on the genre of music being played, liable to turn into a mosh pit.




通常,您永远不想早点参加晚宴。Unless the host has asked you to come help, or there’s an understanding that guests can do some pre-meal-time socializing together while the cook prepares the food, the last thing a host wants is to have to devote part of their bandwidth to making small talk with you, while simultaneously keeping an eye on the about-to-burn rolls in the oven. Being exactly on time is actually impolite for the same reason; the host would prefer to have everything out of the oven and set up before you arrive, and given that it’s quite difficult to ensure that every dish is done exactly at the time the meal is scheduled to begin, he or she can almost invariably use a little buffer. So arrive at a dinner party a few minutes late. But just a few; more than ten, and the host’s relief as to their guests not showing up on time will turn to despair as their optimally hot food begins to get cold.


当谈到一个没有设定的“活动”(例如晚餐)的聚会,并且是一个兴就可以随便去和去的辛迪格,目标是在开始后30-60分钟到达。如果您在聚会开始时准确到达那里,就可以像晚宴一样,让主持人感到震惊,他们可能会为他们的准备工作做准备。而且,您必须浏览早期的党派尴尬 - 在那里成为第一个人,或者被困在与您可能不知道或可能不喜欢的少数同伴的少数同伴交谈中。在派对已经如火如荼的情况下迟到并到达时,您的入口将是低调且不起眼的,您将选择客人聊天。(如果人们已经形成了很少的对话圈子,遵循以下技巧进入一个)。
