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• 最近更新时间:2021年5月29日



当您作为父母就孩子和家人做出选择时,很容易选择目前最舒适和方便的任何东西。但是我的一个朋友曾经给我一个更好的标准来做出这些决定 - 问自己:“我想为家人设定什么模式?”





I know folks who took their babies and toddlers on international trips — even though toting along this extra “baggage” naturally created difficulties and made things less fun for Mom and Dad — because right from the start they wanted to set the pattern: “We’re a family that travels.” I know parents who take their kids to church even on vacation, no matter how exotic and luxurious the location, to set the pattern: “Sundays are for worship.” I know those where the whole family, even the young children, have to go for a run before opening Christmas presents, to set the pattern: “Stuff is nice, but the greatest gift is physical health.”



When your kids are “helping” with chores or “helping” you cook, and doing the tasks slowly and wrongly, and even making more work for you than if you just did the job yourself, it’s easy to feel like stepping in and taking things over. But stop and think not just about the result you want right now, but the result you want a year, five years, ten years down the line. Is it more important to get the chore done quickly, or teach your kid how to be responsible and competent?

我上述的朋友和她的丈夫很早就决定了这一点,而不是让四个孩子在星期六早上看电视,而是不得不读书。While the rule was hard to enforce when the kids were young, they say, now when Mom and Dad wake up, they’re delighted to see all their children sitting and reading on the couch (and they allow themselves to wake up later, as they feel better about sleeping in knowing their kids aren’t zombied out in front of a screen!).

问问自己,您设定哪种决定对单个选择可能有用,但对于家庭选择尤其强大,因为在您家的墙壁内,您正在创造一个微小的,但很真正的文化。具有自己规范和传统的文化。作为一种看不见而有力的力量,这种文化将影响父母的幸福和您的孩子的生活,远远超过了您试图更积极地教书或“讲课”的事物。它改变了试图弄清楚某些决定是否值得的微积分。What may seem like a small, insignificant choice when viewed as an isolated decision, may seem more important and worthwhile — and more motivating to follow through on — when viewed as a stepping stone for things to come, a piece of the scaffolding of your family’s culture, a building block for a pattern-in-progress.
