菜单 播客


• 最近更新时间:2022年2月26日


人造的塑料圣诞树可能会节省成本和方便,但是通过我们(闪烁的,多色)的灯光,根本无法替代真正的文章。没有很多其他机会将一棵全尺寸,曾经的树带入客厅。真正的树木看起来更好,闻起来更好,并且简单地发出了独特的能量 - 无与伦比的Yuletide氛围。


Once you’ve selected your tree, you want to choose a date for bringing it inside for decoration based on the intersection of two factors 1) the desire to enjoy its beauty as long as possible, and 2) the knowledge that the sooner you bring it in, the sooner it will get dry and brittle. We tend to bring in and decorate our tree about 2.5 weeks before Christmas, and leave it up until New Year’s Day. By following this timeframe, as well as the tips outlined above, the tree stays decently intact before the calendar flips to a new year, and the tree drops its needles all over the floor as it’s hauled out the door (hey, no one ever said generating Christmas vibes was a neat and tidy business).

