菜单 播客


• 最近更新时间:2021年6月4日


在McKay的家庭中,我是官方的“将灯光放在圣诞树的人身上”。自凯特和我结婚以来,我每年都做这项工作。每年,我最终都会在呼吸下喃喃自语,而纳特·金·科尔(Nat King Cole)在背景中对甲板上的Tannenbaum的欢乐感到沮丧。



不断弹出的另一个问题是,当我将灯光从树顶绑到底部时,当我到达底部时,灯光看起来太稀疏了。Since the bottom is wider, it takes more lights to fill it out, and I’d end up having to add some strands, but in a more haphazard way, since they weren’t part of the around-the-whole-tree flow. So now I begin to string the lights from the bottom, which allows me to plug them in before I start, and ensures that I can see how they look as I go and affirm that I have enough lights at the base before moving on up.

最后一个重复出现的问题是,灯光看起来没有足够的深度。In years past, I’d just sort of hang the lights on the ends of the branches, resulting in a tree that didn’t have a look and brightness that was sufficiently three-dimensional, and again forcing me to add in more lights after I thought I was done. To solve the problem, I’ve learned to alternate stringing the lights in towards the trunk and out towards the tips of the branches as I work my way up the tree.


由Ted Slampyak说明
