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记住书中的方式斧头,飞行员正飞往加拿大的飞行员遭受心脏病发作和死亡,布莱恩必须弄清楚如何降落飞机?这种情况似乎不太可能像只有一个值得信赖的手工艺品必须在灌木丛中生存数月,但是上个月,这是一名从巴哈马飞往佛罗里达的塞斯纳208飞行的乘客。飞行员逝世时,没有先前在飞机上经历过的经验的达伦·哈里森(Darren Harrison)从乘客的座位上爬入驾驶舱,将无意识的飞行员搬到一边,并控制了飞机,这架飞机陷入了诺言。哈里森联系了空中交通管制,该管制指导他如何安全飞行和降落飞机。正如哈里森回忆起的那样:“我非常镇定,一直收集到整个过程中,因为我知道这是一种生死的情况。您要么做您必须做的事情来控制这种情况,要么会死。那就是我所做的。”

Whether you’re flying on a small plane on which the pilot has become incapacitated, or you’re a passenger on a commercial airliner and have taken out a terrorist, who took out the pilot, having a rough idea of what to do next will help you have that same calm and confident attitude. While autopilot systems will be able to do a lot of of the work for you, landing a plane still requires a manual touch and a cool head. So keep the above in mind as you take control of the aircraft and seek to bring her safely back to earth.

更多细节,查看空军飞行员卡梅伦·舍弗(Cameron Schaefer)撰写的这篇文章。

插图泰德·史莱奇克(Ted Slampyak)
